Kamis, 29 November 2007

Tugas dari Pak Agus Suganda

Ass. Wr.Wb.

Hello My friend, My name is Adam Sulaiman. I school in SMPN 1 Cimahi. I live at Komp. DPRD West Java no. 62. Iborn in Sarijadi, Sarijadi is in Bandung. My birth day is 3 September 1994. I am 13 years old. I have one father, one mather, two brother, and two sister. I have 3 hobbies, thre are play football, play computer, and listening music. Ialways play footballat Tuesday with my friends, I always play computer in Saturday and Sunday, and I always liostening music every day, when I relax.
I want to tell about my activities on Sunday. I always wake up at 05.30 AM, then I go to bathroom to ritual washing (Wudhu) and I do Shubuh Pray, and then I take a shower. I always breakfast noodle on Sunday, but sometimesI eat bread. I always play playstation, play computer, but sometimes I sleep. I very happy at holiday because I can relax and together with my family. On the Sunday I can wacth any cartoon and film in the TV.
This time I want to tell ou about my family activities on Sunday. We always do morning run around the village. We always go to fun places in Bandung or Lembang. If I and My family go to Bandung, we go to Mall, like BIP, BSM, BEC and other., but if We go to Lembang, I go to eat corn and glutinous rice. I and My family more then go to Lembang, because in Lembang I can feel fresh air and I can look beautiful panorama. My father can fishing, My brother can ride horse, and I and My Family can go to waterfall
That is I and My family acivities on Sunday. I think is very fun, what do you think ?, Do you have a story like me ?, If yes I hope that story very fun too. So that my story. I am sorry if any fault words in My story. Is a end of My story. Thank you very much.

1 komentar:

s4ng Pem8uru love2-13 mengatakan...

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