Jumat, 30 November 2007

Teman-Teman saya di Kelas 7B : Part 1

Ini salah satu teman saya yang " BESAR " (bukan menghina). Yaitu FAISHAL. karena semua anak kelas 7B itu rajin,pinter, dan cerdas juga sukri " N'DESO ", dan pastinya dia juga termasuk

Ini adalah salah satu teman saya yang bernama NURCAHYO ADE PRASETYO. Orangnya berambut rancung, dia org pramuka yg handal.

Ya ini lagi salah satu teman saya yang paling Deso, Berbahaya, Berambut Patok/Mangkok yaitu CAHYA MAULANA. Sepertinya dia sedang berpikir sesuatu, baru pertama kali saya liat CADOET seperti ini. Walaupun begitu dia pinter,rajin, dan cerdas, karena semua anak kelas 7B itu rajin,pinter, dan cerdas juga sukri " N'DESO "

YA ini adalah Salah satu teman saya juga yang ernama LUTFI. Dia sering disebut " KKG " Kecil-Kecil Gokil/Chim-Chim.
karena semua anak kelas 7B itu rajin,pinter, dan cerdas juga sukri " N'DESO "

Ya Ini salah satu teman saya yang " BESAR " (bukan menghina). Yaitu Abu Rizal. karena semua anak kelas 7B itu rajin,pinter, dan cerdas juga sukri " N'DESO ", dan pastinya dia juga termasuk

Kamis, 29 November 2007

Tugas dari Pak Agus Suganda

Ass. Wr.Wb.

Hello My friend, My name is Adam Sulaiman. I school in SMPN 1 Cimahi. I live at Komp. DPRD West Java no. 62. Iborn in Sarijadi, Sarijadi is in Bandung. My birth day is 3 September 1994. I am 13 years old. I have one father, one mather, two brother, and two sister. I have 3 hobbies, thre are play football, play computer, and listening music. Ialways play footballat Tuesday with my friends, I always play computer in Saturday and Sunday, and I always liostening music every day, when I relax.
I want to tell about my activities on Sunday. I always wake up at 05.30 AM, then I go to bathroom to ritual washing (Wudhu) and I do Shubuh Pray, and then I take a shower. I always breakfast noodle on Sunday, but sometimesI eat bread. I always play playstation, play computer, but sometimes I sleep. I very happy at holiday because I can relax and together with my family. On the Sunday I can wacth any cartoon and film in the TV.
This time I want to tell ou about my family activities on Sunday. We always do morning run around the village. We always go to fun places in Bandung or Lembang. If I and My family go to Bandung, we go to Mall, like BIP, BSM, BEC and other., but if We go to Lembang, I go to eat corn and glutinous rice. I and My family more then go to Lembang, because in Lembang I can feel fresh air and I can look beautiful panorama. My father can fishing, My brother can ride horse, and I and My Family can go to waterfall
That is I and My family acivities on Sunday. I think is very fun, what do you think ?, Do you have a story like me ?, If yes I hope that story very fun too. So that my story. I am sorry if any fault words in My story. Is a end of My story. Thank you very much.